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Thoughts from David Cornelius


Well, I'm trying out a new way of building web sites--using a CMS (content management system). It's pretty cool, but there will be some customization, of course, to get it to do everything I want it to. However, it adds lots of features I did not have time to put into my current site. Features such as aggregated RSS News feeds, and out-of-the-box support for blogging, which is something I've thought about doing, but just never had the time to implement.

So here I am in a new world of web site building (at least new to me) where everyone else has been blogging about this and that for years and adding content at the touch of a button, I've been laboriously hand-crafting sites from scratch. I'm sure I'll still use those HTML/CSS/PHP skills for adding modules to a CMS, but it'll take me *much* less time.

Now, I've got to figure out how I get my new CMS-enabled site to look like my current one.

Hmm... Maybe it's time for a new look as well!
