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Thoughts from David Cornelius


Delphi 12 Athens has been out for nearly a month now and there are many fixes and improvements over its predecessor. It's still not perfect but I'm moving all projects I had in Delphi 11 up to the latest version. I like the extended syntax coloring throughout the IDE, many new VCL enhancements, and the added features for cross-platform development such as the Single App Icon Wizard and several FireMonkey additions, especially the simple enabling of Skia4Delphi with just a menu option.

There are a few small open-source programs and libraries I maintain on GitHub; here are the ones for which I've added support for Delphi 12:

  • AutoGetIt - a program that automates the GetIt command-line tool that comes with Delphi to save/load a list of checked GetIt packages and install or uninstall them en masse.
  • WP.ProjectTreePlugin - a Welcome Page plug-in for Delphi 11 or 12 that lists Delphi projects in a TreeView grouped by the first two letters of their project name and allows a double-click to open the selected project.
  • DelphiVersions - 4 apps that can be compiled in different versions of Delphi and on different platforms to highlight various compiler directives in each.
  • Encryptor3 - a program to generate/test various encryption/decryption strings using LockBox3.
  • LiveBindingsBeyond - several methods added to LiveBindings in Delphi.

One small problem I encountered is after installing the Parnassus plug-ins for Delphi 12, they stopped working in Delphi 11, raising an error when Delphi first started up. However, I'd like to thank Uwe Raabe on Delphi-PRAXiS for sharing the simple solution to fix that.

Delphi 12 Athens takes a big step forward in continuing to provide tools and productivity enhancements for programmers. Check out for yourself: Every New and Enhanced Feature!

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