How to Disable Windows Locking
I'm a proponent of good security and when I leave my computer, I want it to require a password or code to get back in. But VMWare also locks its virtual Windows sessions needlessly. Here's a registry hack to prevent that.
UltraEdit vs EditPad Pro

This review doesn't cover every feature of the two editors nor does it go into great depth as there are tutorials and videos on each of the respective sites. It also concentrates on just the task of editing files, mostly ignoring file comparison, FTP, and file-finding features of UltraEdit's companion tools. This review is the personal conclusion I came to based on my experience, interest, and needs--your view may be different. The bulk of my time is spent in the full-featured Delphi IDE; nevertheless, I do have need for a good-quality text editor in many circumstances and having several time-saving features built-in are well worth learning about and using.
My History with Delphi--and Why I still Use It
Delphi Productivity Tips: Environment Consistency
Keep it Cool!
Delphi Productivity Tips: Keyboard and Mouse Basics

It Works Better If You Plug It In
There are many stories I could tell with this title. It's such an obvious rule when dealing with electrical devices but so often overlooked as a possibility of the source of a problem when everything else works. Here's my most recent experience that took its toll on more than just myself.
I Finally Understand High DPI
TRESTResponseDataSetAdapter and Hidden Gems of the REST Debugger
Writing REST applications in Delphi is pretty simple with the advanced components we have available these days. The functionality encapsulated allows us to spend time on the business and user interface aspects of development rather than the nuances of connecting to an API and parsing JSON results. When starting a new REST app, I usually use the REST Debugger that comes in RAD Studio to test out an API before building the app itself. There are other REST API tools but this one has a great feature that saves me time building my Delphi app that no other tool has.