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Thoughts from David Cornelius

Ubuntu Auto-Login


A few months ago, I blogged about getting a Raspberry Pi set up with a GitHub Runner to keep a website up-to-date. It's been working well--until today. I made some updates, pushed them to GitHub, then later checked the website--it had not updated. Then it dawned on me: the power had gone out for a couple of hours last week and even though the computer was back on, I had not logged in and started the GitHub runner--and had forgotten to make that automatic.

Creating a Delphi Welcome Page Plug-in


There have been several iterations of the Delphi IDE's Welcome Page, or the first page that you see by default when you start Delphi without a project. This space has been used for keeping a list of favorite projects for convenient loading, marketing of related products by Embarcadero, and quick links to tutorials and resources. Delphi 11 introduced, in my opinion, the best interface yet as it's completely customizable by the user and provides an API for writing your own plug-ins to provide additional functionality.

Text Editors Revisited


Admittedly, text editors isn't a terribly important topic to blog about but since I wrote a public comparison of UltraEdit vs EditPad just over a year ago and since my preferences and stance on these have changed, I thought I should explain my new perspective. My license for the UltraEdit package was the All-Access Subscription, which means I had a full license to use all of the products in the suite for a year after which I would need to renew the license in order to keep using them.



As mentioned in my last entry, I've recently become curious about the Go programming language, so I took a course to learn the language, partially to support add-ons for Hugo and partially to compare with other languages I've used--most notably, Delphi. What I found was a simple but powerful language, thoughtfully designed, that promotes good coding style and breaks some established patterns of thought I've had with object-oriented programming. In this blog, I'll give a brief overview of what I learned about the Go language from the perspective of a programmer who's used mostly Delphi (Pascal) but with a sprinkling of other languages (C, C++, C#, VB, and PHP) throughout his career.

A New Direction for Web Development


Back in May, I lamented about my struggles to keep my Drupal websites updated. If I had command-line access to the web server, I could use its recommended method, Composer, and a cron job could magically keep everything updated for me--but I use inexpensive shared web hosting and that is not an option. This means I must manually upload a bunch of PHP files for each Drupal update. A comment on last May's blog opened my eyes to a different approach: use a static website generator. As I read reviews and tried a few of them out, I kept coming back to one in particular: Hugo.

For Historical Purposes


Early in my career, I was studying the code of an application written for the Apple II in preparation for developing something similar on the PC and would often ask questions of the original programmer. Most of the time, I'd get valuable information about the purpose of a routine or why something was done a particular way. But every once in a while, when pressed for an explanation, the programmer would think for a minute, then simply utter, "For Historical Purposes" and walk away chuckling.

Thankful for Delphi


This time of year in the United States is marked by a major holiday, Thanksgiving, the last Thursday of November. It is during this time that ad campaigns, religious organizations, and families everywhere tend to step up their recognition of everything they're thankful for. As a software developer, I'd like to hook into this theme and highlight features of programming tools I use that make my life better--most notably, Delphi--and create my own "thankfulness" list.

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